Screen Flanders
Via Screen Flanders the government of Flanders offers financial support to audiovisual productions that spend (part of) their budget within the Flanders Region. Belgian producers can apply to receive up to 400,000 euros refundable advances by way of economic support to cover their audiovisual expenses in the Flanders Region. Foreign producers interested in applying for the fund can co-produce with a Belgian producer that satisfies all the selection criteria.
Fiction, documentary or animation films with a running time of at least 60 minutes and animation series consisting of at least three episodes with a minimum total broadcast time of 60 minutes for the whole series are eligible.
The (co-)production must enrich the cultural heritage of Flanders and invest a minimum of 250,000 euros in the Flanders Region. Every euro entrusted to a producer must yield at least 1 euro of audiovisual expenditure in the region. The maximum support per project is 400,000 euros.
Periodical calls are made, each with a predetermined support envelope. All applications are presented to a jury consisting of both economic and cultural experts who will assess and prioritize all projects. Available funding is divided among the highest-ranking applications.
The annual budget of Screen Flanders (3.5 million euros) is provided by Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen). The Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) manages the applications and promotes the fund.
Screen Flanders falls under the remit of Economic Affairs Minister Jo Brouns, in close cooperation with Cultural Affairs Minister Jan Jambon.
Screen Flanders was launched in April 2012 by the government of Flanders as an economic support measure for audiovisual works. Screen Flanders is also the central film commission for the Flanders Region (previously known as Location Flanders).
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Cineregio Representative - Ms. Katrien Maes
Katrien Maes is Head of Production at Screen Flanders. She graduated as Master in Art History and Conservation and started her career at Flanders Image, the audiovisual export agency of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF). In 2009, she joined the team of the Location Flanders Film Commission, which in 2012 was integrated in Screen Flanders.
Screen Flanders
Flanders Film House
Bischoffsheimlaan 38
BE-1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 226 06 38
Fax: +32 (0)2 219 19 36