The West Danish Film Fund
The West Danish Film Fund (Den Vestdanske Filmpulje) provides European independent production companies with financial support for the development and production of film and television projects in the following genres:
• Fiction
• Documentaries
• Shorts
• Multimedia
• Animation
The primary focus of The West Danish Film Fund is to further the production of feature films with the intention of strengthening the film industry in the region. Financial support is provided in the form of subsidies and/or investments.
The Western Region of Denmark revolves around the city of Aarhus. With 300.000 inhabitants it is the second largest city in Denmark and thus the ‘capital’ of the Western region counting more than 1 million inhabitants. Aarhus and the Western region are known for a cutting edge profile within culture and business, which is contrasted by a relatively underdeveloped audio-visual industry. Filmby Aarhus and The West Danish Film Fund are regional responses to this imbalance. Filmby Aarhus and The West Danish Film Fund are twin projects with the common objective of furthering growth within the film industry of the region.
Filmby Aarhus represents an investment of 15 million Euros for the development of a basic infrastructure for the audio-visual industry in Aarhus. Today Filmby Aarhus runs a thematic corporate centre of 10.000 square metres offering office space for businesses within the audio-visual sector and two brand new modern film studios. Furthermore the organization acts as a catalyst for the development of a strong audio-visual industry with artistic film production as its primary objective through several activities in development and procurement.
Filmby Aarhus handles the executive duties concerning the applications for The West Danish Film Fund and aspires to active and dynamic relations with the film environment through investigative activities and a process oriented contact with filmmakers in- and outside the region. The fund has two application rounds a year where projects with an influence on the development of the region are invited to apply for financial support. The fund can participate in the financing of the development and production of film projects in the form of subsidies and/or investments. Financial support is typically provided on a smaller scale for the development of film projects and to scriptwriters with a clear connection with the region.
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Cine-Regio representative - Mr. Steen Risom
The West Danish Film Fund
Filmby Aarhus
Filmbyen 23,1
8000 Aarhus C
Tel: +45 89 40 48 82
Fax: +45 89 40 48 52