Mallorca Film Commission & Fund
The Mallorca Film Commission (MFC) belongs to the organization Fundació Mallorca Turisme, which was established with the aim to encourage tourism. It consists of the follwowing institutions: Consell de Mallorca, Federación Hotelera de Mallorca, Foment de Turisme de Mallorca, Cambra de Comerç de Mallorca and the Agrupació de Cadenes Hoteleres.
The Mallorca Film Commission offers its services for free around the whole island and has the following principal aims:
- Promote and help companies and professionals when filming audiovisual projects.
- To stimulate and consolidate the Majorcan audiovisual industry.
- To enable the co-production and internationalization by assisting to markets, festivals and fairs.
To reach these goals and to raise the popularity and impact of the actions taken, the MFC is integrated in the Spain Film Commission (SFC), the European Film Commission Network (EuFCN) and the Asociación de Film Commissions Internacional (AFCI).
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Cine-Regio representative Mr. Pedro Barbadillo
Pedro Barbadillo is born in Sevilla (Andalusia, South Spain). He has been a non-fiction film producer and director for almost 35 years, producing investigative and current affairs documentaries for various spanish and international television programs.
He has been invited to participate in master courses about factual documentaries in Spain and Latin America, and has been teacher of the Master on Documentary Production at the University of the Balearic Islands, and in Cuba, at the EICTV in San Antonio de los Baños.
Founder in 2012 of the arthouse movie theatre CineCiutat, in Palma, and president of CineArte, the arthouse cinema’s association of Spain.
As the director of the Mallorca Film Commission, since its creation in 2010, he works in the assistance and support of film productions on Mallorca, and the promotion of the island’s locations in film markets. The Film Commission also takes part in film events and festivals organized in Mallorca.
Mallorca Film Commission & Fund
Plaça de l'Hospital, 4 (2ª planta)
07012, Palma
Tel. 971 21 96 47
Fax 971 21 97 88