Basque Government's Culture Department
Following the adoption of the Statute of Autonomy in 1979 and the transfer of responsibilities for film to the Basque Autonomous Community, from 1981, the Basque Government started a policy of aid for the audiovisual production responding to an elaborate plann aims to develop the creation films in Euskadi.
The outreach of Basque cinema is also a strategic business hub for the Department of Culture of the Basque Government that has been strengthened in recent years through different lines of action:
- The empowerment of production, competitiveness and employment in the Basque audiovisual sector through a line of interest-free loans and a credit line to finance contracts with broadcasters and distributors
- The support for the creation and production
- The support for promotion and advertising
- The support for new media
- The promotion of cinema in Basque language through programs like “Zinema euskaraz” and “Zinema streaming”.
- The support to exhibitors on programming and transition to digital
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Cine-Regio representative - Mrs. Aitziber Atorrasagasti
Aitziber Atorrasagasti is Director for the Promotion of Culture of the Basque Government and president of Zineuskadi since January 2017.
Aitziber studied Law and Economic at the Deusto University of Bilbao and worked, at the beginning of her career, in industrial business as manager staff. In 2009 Aitziber joined the Durangoko Azoka (most important Basque Culture Fair) project, where she was manager. She has also been involved in other cultural projects as Gerediaga Association manager.
As Director for the Promotion of Culture at the Basque Government, Aitziber Atorrasagasti is in charge of creation, diffusion of Culture, and Cultural Industries, including the support of the audiovisual industry and film festivals.
Basque Government's Culture Department
Andre zigarrogileen plaza 1, 3. Solairua
20012 Donostia – San Sebastián
Tel:+34 943 28 74 06