Year 2012
More than 150 people joined the FIRST MOTION closing conference "Future Media 2.0" on 5 - 6 December 2012 in Riga.
The conference addressed professionals of audiovisual companies, crossmedia producers, game developers, film schools, film funds, universities and students, aiming to explore crossmedia success stories, discuss challenges of new media and cluster strategies in The Baltic Sea Region.
CineRegio members Hamburg Schleswig-Holsten and Filmby Aarhus are partners in The FIRST MOTION Project and its advisory board include
Edith Sepp, Adviser Estonian Ministery of Culture ;
Eva Hubert, Executive Director, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig‐Holstein;
Jan Lundin, Director General of the Secretariat Council of the Baltic;
and Charlotte Appelgren, General Secretary Cine-Regio.
The 23d october the 7th Annual Regional meeting was held in Heidelberg hosted by MFG Baden-Württemberg. Mr Richard Miller, from Available Light Advisory, was speaker and facilitator for the Focus Group session on CR report 2013 on "Well being and why regional film funds should care". There were announcements from members and exchange of views which were discussed in smaller groups. In addition, the hot topic of the new draft cinema communication was discussed.

Alexandre Dupont-Geisselmann, Ingelore König, Dr. Helga Trüpel, Marion Walsmann, Susanne Ding, Philipp Budweg, Brussels 2012
In order to strengthening the political awareness for Children’s films in Europe, KIDS Regio initiated a panel discussion and reception which took place in Brussels, Belgium, the 26th October. The panel discussed "Do we need a European children's film?" In the end all panelists agreed that children have a right for diversified films in cinemas and TV. Representatives of the European Parliament and the Commission have stated to take a closer look on children’s films and discuss their visibility.
Thursday 7th June,the 9th Animarco Regio meeting took place in Annecy in connection with the Annecy festival. Amongst other topics "Feedback to publication of film funding information (Matrix) on the Cine Regio website" and the "Animarco Regio Award" were discussed.

Mrs. Röthemeyer, MFG, Mr. Alekseev, Mr.Faes, Rhône-Alpes Cinéma, Mr.Reynaert, Wallimage, Annecy 2012
June 5th 2012, in the framework of the Creative Focus of Annecy Festival, MFG Baden-Württemberg, Wallimage and Rhône-Alpes Cinéma were awarded the first CRIC CRAC prize.
CRIC CRAC (Cine-Regio Interregional Contest for Creative Animation Contribution) is a 15,000 euros scholarship attributed for writing and developing an animated feature film project. This common action aims to foster co-productions, development of animation film between european regions, and providing a new regional tool which could help with international fund raising.
The CRIC CRAC prize 2012 was attributed to "Logjam-up" by Alexey Alekseev.
On May 21st 2012, the annual General Assembly was held in Cannes. This year Mrs. Julie Lindegaard from FilmFyn held a presentation of FilmFyn's first experience and results with using the model "Effect Assessment", based on the Cine-Regio Focus Report 2012. Mrs. Susan Newman from EAO presented an update on the funding situation for CR members. Total income from CR members who had replied to the the questionnaire was EUR 170 million in 2010.
Mr. Francisco Cabrera, EAO Legal Department gave an introduction to the current debate on the review of the Cinema Communication, and the CR draft response to the draft Cinema Communication was discussed.
At the meeting two new subgroups were introduced; Green Screen Environmental Regio and Skill-Regio. The aims of Skill-Regio are to bring together regional funds who wish to share their different training policies and results – including talent development. Read more about Skill-Regio.
We welcomed five new members to the Cine-Regio network:
• Riga City Fund
• Trentino Film Commission/Fund
• Basque Film Fund
• Région Aquitaine
• FIP - Film Investimenti Piemonte
At the GA we elected three new board members: Rhône-Alpes/Mr. Gregory Faes, Wallimage/Mr. Philippe Reynaert and FVG/Mr. Alessandro Gropplero. Chairman for May 2012-2013 is Mr. Philippe Reynaert.
On May 19th 2012, the workshop "Levelling the playingfield" hosted by EAO was held in Cannes. The panel included Mr. Obhi Chatterjee - European Commission; Werner Muller; Frédéric Delcour, EFAD; Johannes Klingsporn, German Distributors and Charlotte Appelgren, Cine-Regio.
This year the Observatory Conference focused on the new state aid rules for film funding in Europe currently under revision.
On February 13th 2012, a Cine-Regio workshop took place in Berlin.
Topic was "From Film to Creative Industry".
Presentations were made by Cine-Regio members Vincent Leclercq, CRRAV and Alex Navarro, ICIC – followed by discussion & exchange of views.

Mr. Philippe Reynaert, Chairman CR and Mr.Ansgar Held, European Commission on the topic of state aid, Berlin 2012
13 February, 2012, the Cine-Regio members met in Berlin, Landesvertretung Sachsen-Anhalt, for a Strategic Meeting. On the agenda was a presentation of the Cine-Regio Focus Report 2012 "Effect assessment of regional film funds". This year's Focus Report provides a systematic method and model that provides clear relationships between the film fund’s activities and the effects generated in the region. Across Europe there is an increased political pressure to document regional effects and to measure the exact impact of a regional film fund. It was also highlighted how cultural and qualitative effects are often overlooked or undocumented. Furthermore, there were reports from the Cine-Regio Subgroups: Kids-Regio, Animarco-Regio and Docu-Regio.
Mr. Ansgar Held, DG Competition (European Commission) presented a preliminary draft outline of the new Cinema Communication. Overall DG Comp finds that State aid for cinema is necessary and justified. The task is to find a solution which makes sure aid is not against the rules of the treaty and implement measurements to avoid subsidy race taking place. The aim of the new Cinema Communication is to simplify the rules, make them more clear and increase legal certainty.